Critical bug (.32 regression) - cannot close curves with pen tool
This is a critical bug - from macOS:
@Ingolf Yep, just discovered it here minutes ago. Can close with click-and-drag however.
@b77 Not always.
@Ingolf @b77 I'm not seeing the same issue here
They seem to close just fine for me the normal way - using my M1 mac with build 32Is there a step I'm missing?
@Ingolf Yep, if the last segment or the first is straight, click-and-drag will make the "jump" to the start node instead.
(Attempt to) draw a four node closed shape with the pen tool - we can't close it with a single click. Have to click and draw that sometimes works.
It happens to me too.
I believe you are all having the problem, but for some reason it's not failing me here lol. it works totally normal here
@Boldline Yes, comfirmed in windows 11 also.
Also if drag the first node this handle seen and when click for the second node it disappears.
@Ingolf Replicated, it is a regression. Will upload a fix ASAP.
@Ingolf This problem should be fixed in 1.1.048