Changing color mode from Default RGB and the viewport goes crazy
As the headline says: VectorStylers color mode settings appears useless in sRGB:
@Raaskot Could not replicate on an Intel Mac at the first try. I will try on High Sierra.
Thank you very much. Yet another test attached: Now I cannot even figure out how to make Default RGB working. Perhaps conflicting combinations of "Document Setup", "Color Settings" and "Document Color Settings"?
@Raaskot In the Color Settings select "Apple RGB" for the RGB profile.
Same issue. Hard to figure out what happens. I want to make the viewport appear in sRGB-mode as default and display in Euroscale 2 mode. Very cumbersome ...
@Raaskot Replicated on a 2010 iMac with High Sierra. There will be a fix (or workaround) in the next build.
@Raaskot This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.024
<SOLVED> Works fine now