Color palette does not allow spot colors to be moved around within the palette/ other colors are creating repeats
When I am using the default color palette, I noticed that spot colors do not seem to be able to be moved to new locations within the palette itself. Also, when I try to move a spot color or any other color in the palette, it creates a new copy of that color as well. Ideally it would not produce duplicates of the colors, just move them around as directed by the user.
Just noticed in the history panel, that each time I move a color around within the palette, it considers it a "save color to palette" , which would explain why it is making copies each time a move is attempted.
@Boldline In the Color Palette's menu there are a few sorting options (Sort by Name, by Hue, by Saturation, etc). Maybe that helps?
@b77 That does help some. Ideally swatches should be rearranged and it should not duplicate them - or that should be an option that can be turned off
@Boldline It looks like this is a bug.