Scaling issue happens in Windows, too

  • I was working on a design in VS 1.1 on my Windows 10 laptop with a huion screen tablet attached. I ran into a similar issue as before with scaling items not working and instead of scaling, the objects move around almost like the shift modifier key was depressed. I was then resizing the VS window and the screen flashed inside VS and then went the dark gray color of the background canvas and everything I drew disappeared aside from just the literal nodes. I then tried to save the file but after eyeing the save info and confirming, the app froze completely. If you tell me where the crash log for Windows 10 is, I'll try to find and send.
    I then reopened VS and my saved file was gone. There was one recovery file offered but it was not the project I had just saved prior.
    It sounds like the scaling issue is not just on mac

  • administrators

    @Boldline c:\Users<user name>\Numeric Path\Crash Logs\

    And delete the folder afterwards.

    If there are some steps or examples to replicate the issue, please send it me.

  • Hello there! I noticed that this forum post is quite old, but I'm here to help nonetheless. If you're still experiencing issues with scaling on Windows 10 and VS 1.1, I suggest checking out some online forums or tutorials to see if anyone else has had similar issues and found a solution. Regarding the crash log, have you tried searching online for its location on Windows 10? That might help you locate it. Additionally, if you're still looking for a cheap windows 10 key, you might be able to find one online for a reasonable price. It's interesting to hear that scaling issues aren't just limited to Macs. Technology can be tricky sometimes, but don't worry, there's usually a solution out there somewhere. Keep us updated on any progress you make!