Custom pref file casing issue when installed on different computer

  • I was working in VS on my M1 Mac and decided to move my saved preferences file over from the Intel machine to the M1, replacing the default preferences file in the process. As soon as I installed it and then restarted VS, my artboard is missing - only the blue outline remains and the vectors I had saved in the design can be selected, but not seen. I switched back to a generic preferences file and everything was normal again.... swapped it back a second time to my own preferences file and it again gave me a messed up, missing screen.
    The forum won't allow me to upload a preferences file so I will email it to you
    0_1638329982516_9c542e8f-9d54-4401-90d0-6799eab7ddfe-CleanShot 2021-11-30 at 22.39.21@2x.png /Users/bldbeast2/Library/Application Support/CleanShot/media/media_S4WRvFOzeu/CleanShot 2021-11-30 at 22.39.21@2x.png

  • administrators

    @Boldline I got the file, I will investigate this issue.

  • administrators

    @Boldline In the Preferences -> Performance set the Document Display Mode to Metal

  • @vectoradmin
    Thanks for getting back to me. That solved the problem! thanks again