Weird Issues with paper size
The default for the document is A3. I import elements and place.
Then when I add another artboard it reverts to A4 as default
But If I change the (newly created) artboard to A3.. then the first artboard is now only A4.. so I increase the size of the first artboard to A3 as well.Then when I go to print both artboards are too big for printing to A3 (they look to be A2 ?)
Something weird going on here.In fact it keeps reverting to 'custom size' in the print window... It seems no matter what I change it to it won't work.. even 'fit' which automatically selects the correct size doesn't seem to work.
This all seems specific to multiple artboards'' AH OK. So it is now an A2 file.. despite it saying 'A3' against the artboard size.
If I print to an A2 PDF it works. The artboards both register as A3 size (not A2) but are in fact A2
@ambros I add this issue to the backlog, and I will try to replicate it.
Thank you
Now I know I can just avoid that workflow. It was frustrating while it was happening though
My instinct is that it is linked to the dropdown where the artboard size os selected from the presets (this is the 'box' where it kept reverting to 'custom' despite my only ever selecting A3 landscape.

@ambros This issue should be fixed in the new build 1.1.002 (beta)
@vectoradmin that’s great news- very reactive- thank you