Unexpected and unwanted color mode changes
I made a report about this months ago and @vectoradmin asked me to report back if I discovered when VS changes color mode in the color panel without me wanting it to. It drives me insane that when I select color mode HSB - the only mode I want to work in, ever almost, and suddenly I find myself back in RGB mode. Keep color mode is of course enabled.
I found these two instances - there may be even more - I see same behavior from swatches panel:
A) VS color panel is in RGB mode before creating document. I create a document, switch to HSLBand the pen tool immidiately forces it back to RGB.
B) VS color panel is in HSL mode before creating the document, stays in HSB when creating a new, I draw a shape and swap fill and stroke forces color mode back to RGB.
@Ingolf I've noticed it likes to switch back to RGB when I am in CMYK mode, but I have not had a chance to see if it's a bug or user error on my part. Perhaps your example of this is tied to it?
@Boldline said in Unexpected and unwanted color mode changes:
@Ingolf I've noticed it likes to switch back to RGB when I am in CMYK mode, but I have not had a chance to see if it's a bug or user error on my part. Perhaps your example of this is tied to it?
I am pretty sure it is tied to it.
I also saw one instance of it happening when using the swatch (picked a color) but I could not reproduce it since.
@Ingolf The color sliders are updated automatically from the color mode stored in the object.
To keep the sliders regardless of the selected color mode: in the Color panel menu enable "Keep Color Mode".
@vectoradmin said in Unexpected and unwanted color mode changes:
@Ingolf The color sliders are updated automatically from the color mode stored in the object.
To keep the sliders regardless of the selected color mode: in the Color panel menu enable "Keep Color Mode".Keep color mode has been enabled here for months
So ...
@Ingolf I will try to replicate this
@vectoradmin said in Unexpected and unwanted color mode changes:
@Ingolf I will try to replicate this
If you follow the steps above in VS for macOS or Windows it happens every time
@Ingolf Replicated!
@Ingolf This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.048