Vertical Area Text Tool
It looks like the vertical area text tool has the wrong text flow, because it begins at the top right. Another problem is that the "text" sometimes can overfill the box. When one word is long and have a bigger size as the box, the word will not displayed and all other words after, will also don't display. The last problem also happen in the "Area Text Tool"
@freggern I add this to the backlog as a bug
@freggern This problem should be fixed now.
Hallo, looks like the overflow of single words are fixed.
It is supposed that the behavior is changed on all text boxes by resizing. It doesn't change the size of textarea. It changes the font size and aspect ratio.
Secondly, the problems with long words that not fitted in the height (or width) of text boxes break it. In the way that the words afterwards doesn't display happened, too. Behavior is like this bug: (
@freggern If some word does not fit into a text box, it will overflow (with all subsequent words) into the next linked text box, or will not display at all if there is no linked text boxes (unless hyphenation is enabled to split the word).
This is intended behavior. How it should work?
@vectoradmin In my native language, there are a lot of words with many characters. It's not a good behavior when text are not displayed that you entered. I would hard break or overflow single long words that does not fit. And in the latest (linked) box overflow the box in width (v-textbox) on left or right side (textdirection) or height (textbox) to show the rest of text. It's better to see that a text not fitting, as not seeing the problem at all.
@freggern I keep this issue open, and try to find a solution (maybe an option).
@freggern said in Vertical Area Text Tool:
It is supposed that the behavior is changed on all text boxes by resizing. It doesn't change the size of textarea. It changes the font size and aspect ratio.
@vectoradmin Is there a shortcut to resize the textbox, without changing the aspect ratio of the box. It's difficult to adjust the text box to make the content fitting, because you resize also the content of the box. Before you only change the textbox without modify the aspect ratio of the content.
@freggern said in Vertical Area Text Tool:
@vectoradmin Is there a shortcut to resize the textbox, without changing the aspect ratio of the box.
Holding Shift+ should do that.
But the content of a text box should not resize when resizing the box (by default). The font size should not change, and the text should reflow (if it is a text frame, and not a text shape).
Then it's a bug
in the latest version. A version before it behave like you described.
@freggern Yes, this is a major regression, will get fixed ASAP.
Workaround: in the Text -> Text Frame menu, disable the Transform with Groups option.
This post is deleted!
@freggern This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.048