Jumping and sinking panels
This - even with Lock Panels enabled - is a bit annoying behavior.
The panels should keep their vertical position.
@Ingolf I add this to the backlog. The Layers panel should restore its size. But the panel sizes may change when moving between tabs, as some panels (like Stroke) are not vertically resizable.
Something has definitely changed not for the better with docking panels (v1.10.010) particularly when clicking using a graphics tablet pen rather than a mouse. For me panels now separate away from their docked state too easily.
You can exaggerate this by increasing the size the Colour panel with the Shape Effect panel docked below. Selecting the Shape Effects panel will invariably pop the panel out over the top of the other panel or even create two copies of the same panel (see screenshot).
The floating toolbar now also stays on screen over the top other applications, for example Safari browser, although I'm not sure if this is a result of having a two screen setup, which I've just started using.
@Jono The floating toolbox is a bug, the fix will be in the next build.
I will try to replicate the panel duplication issue.
re: panel duplication. Just to add that when it does happen, both panels act as one, ie showing the same info.
@Jono if there are some specific steps, maybe a recording, to duplicate the Shape Effects panel, it would help a lot. Thanks!
@Ingolf This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.024