Paste to keep position after small amount of panning still an issue
In the new build released today, I'm still seeing the same problem with paste in place not working when the image is slightly panned.
Here is a video from today of this issue
@Boldline That was probably more panning than the limit. We have to find a better criteria on when to keep position for pasting and when not.
@Boldline There is a bit larger panning allowed now for keeping the positions at copy/paste
@vectoradmin I can see improvement here for sure - thank you.
Could we keep this topic open still? Illustrator for example, has no issue with this despite multiple pans of the document - so I know it's possible somehowOr does Illustrator have a massive panning limit? Is that how they do it?
@Boldline I will keep it open. Probably panning is not a good condition for this.