Copying a symbol reference breaks the link ( accumulated )
@Nils Cannot not replicate this one. Send me the vstyler file with the symbol and its copies, saved just after duplicating the second symbol instance. Thanks!
@vectoradmin Done.
@Nils Got the file, and in the file the two last symbols (one placed with the stamp, the other is its copy) look expanded.
Tried to repeat the actions, but did not result in detached symbols. Could it be that the second symbol got expanded somehow?
One additional thing to try (might help in the future also) is to enable "Store History" in Document Setup -> General options, in a new document for replicating bugs. In this way all actions are stored in the document in the form of undo / redo history.
@vectoradmin I'll send you the file now with history.
@vectoradmin Done.
@Nils Got the file still no luck in replicating.
I will open a bug on this one, clearly something is wrong here.
@vectoradmin So you couldn't even replicate inside the file?
@Nils In the file it seems that the Symbol Stamp tool added an expanded symbol.
I have to investigate why this would happen.
@vectoradmin That's quite strange, in my file ( the one I sent you ) this isn't present at all. It's just three references and the object with the symbol role. The third reference being the duplicated one.
This must be OS-version-dependent then, if you tested on Win10 aswell, that is. No other way.
@Nils Tested on Windows 10 also (with the latest version). Nothing related to this is system dependent, except maybe some shortcuts or modifier keys.
I have to study this a bit, to figure out what could cause it.
@vectoradmin I see. If it helps: I tried duplicating with both, Alt + Drag and Ctrl + c -> Ctrl + v. And to be clear again I duplicated the reference, not the symbol. And only the duplicated reference and the duplication result broke the link. The first one in the chain stayed linked.
Another thought input:
This doesn't happen, unsurprisingly, when using the stamp tool all the time instead of copying references, which is for now also a good workaround.
@Nils One other thing to try: does it happen when adding symbol by drag&drop the symbol from the Symbol panel?
@vectoradmin No, which doesn't surprise me, since I was under the impression that this is essentially the same as using the stamp tool, isn't it?
Or did you mean setting up the reference with drag and drop and then duplicating a referenc again?
EDIT: In the latter case exactly the same bug happens.
@vectoradmin Experimenting a bit more and discovering that this link breakage could indeed happen due to some symbol expansion ( which for me is for some reason hidden, but its effects are still seen ), which I could clarify by observing that if I create a symbol reference, then expand the symbol ( which creates the symbol again, due to the bug I already posted ), the other references now link to this second symbol. This can be reversed by deleting the second one. Now the first one is linked again.
I have a hunch that, in the case of duplicating references, something similar is happening behind the scenes.
@Nils said in Copying a symbol reference breaks the link:
then expand the symbol (..), the other references now link to this second symbol.
This indeed may occur, and the reason for this was just identified (will be fixed).
@vectoradmin So, you have definitely proved that this reference copying bug is caused by this aswell?
I have the feeling that all these copying bugs are related to each other... Because I can circumvent all of them by never copying anything and always using the stamp tool instead ( taking the symbol role off the original temporarily if I must expand the reference ).
@Nils said in Copying a symbol reference breaks the link:
@vectoradmin So, you have definitely proved that this reference copying bug is caused by this aswell?
No, that part is still a mystery. Just an unintentional duplication of symbols when using the Expand Symbol command is clarified now.
@vectoradmin Ok. Yes, quite the mystery it is.