Change filling
- When I change the fill from color to for example gradient. It only changes the filling, when I change a parameter of the gradient. I expected to change it when I switch to the gradient mode
- When I change the content of a fill pattern to another option, like hexagons, it doesn't change. It always shows boxes
@freggern Both can be replicated.
- this is by design, the actual gradient must be selected also. This can be done in the box place left to the Scale / Angle fields.
- this is a bug.
@freggern The 2nd problem should be fixed in build 1.1.008
Is it correct that when I change it to hexagons it looks like this: I expected it more that the boxes are now hexagons. And not boxes + hexagons with boxes background. But maybe I expect something other.
@freggern Yes, this is correct — you just changed the tiling type (from Boxes to Hexagonal), not the pattern itself.
When you change the tiling of any pattern, the pattern itself stays the same but is just tiled differently.
In this case, rectangles arranged to look like bricks are centered inside a hexagonal tile.
@b77 Ok, I understand. Thanks for clarify! @vectoradmin The 2nd problem is fixed!