Union issues

  • Union doesn't work


  • Aha, I believed I had already performed expand stroke on the triangle object, not the case, doing so made union work.

    A little feedback from the software here would make sense - and if possible a "Some objects needs to be converted to curves. Convert all selected objects to curves first?" dialog (that does all the expanding and converting to curves if user accepts).

    The manual inspection and labour (time is money) is exactly what I don't miss from older programs.


  • @Ingolf I wanted to test, but it looks like you took down the test file?

  • @b77 said in Union issues:

    @Ingolf I wanted to test, but it looks like youtook down the test file?

    Hm, nothing happens when the link is accessed, trying another service:


    Better? 🙂

  • @Ingolf Yes, the second link works — file downloaded. 👍

    Well… I wouldn’t mind if the app was so smart and pop a warning like that, but… which combination of conditions/object properties should trigger this warning/dialog logically and reliably?

    An alternative to all this could be simply improving the way selected objects are displayed when you hover any of the Combine buttons. What I mean is…

    'Show Nodes when Hovering the object' from Prefs > Editing Options is enabled by default if I'm not mistaken, which is great.

    If the app would also display the nodes when you hover the Union button, this would help the user notice that one of the objects has an unexpanded stroke, and fix it.

    (Btw, the Combine operations can be previewed if you enable 'Preview Shape Combine' in Preferences > Document Editor).

  • administrators

    @Ingolf Got the file: and yes the issue here is that an expand stroke will be needed first.
    I'm not sure how this could be handled better, I will consider comments by @b77 but at the end of the day, if it is just some shapes that the user wants to merge, it cannot be blocked based on some attributes.