Line Shape Grid issues

  • I ran into a few issues with the Line Shape Grid. First if I try to do a preview from the Line Shape Grid panel before creating an initial shape, it makes the other shape on the screen disappear.
    I can understand it needing a line shape made to work with, but I was wondering if the fact that the other vectors on the screen disappeared was an issue to fix. I'd at least think nothing would happen - all would remain the same on the screen if a shape did not already exist for the line shape grid to use to preview.
    Using the line shape grid panel, when I put in a setting for spacing and angle, I can see my potential edits when the preview is set to "on", but once I commit my edits, it seems the results differ greatly from the preview.

  • administrators

    @Boldline Yes, that disappearing act is a bug. It happens because the rectangle is selected and the line grid view has the Preview on, replacing the rectangle (wrongly) with an empty shape.

    Deselect the rectangle before activating the other tool.

    Also: once a shape is drawn (any type of them), the Panels -> Shape panel can be used to adjust its options. In case of line grid, the spacing, angle, etc.

  • @vectoradmin ok - I understand about the bug and the option to use the shape panel to make edits. Is there not an issue still with the preview-result from the line shape grid panel?

    UPDATE: ok I figured out the issue I was having. The line shape grid panel preview sets up the NEXT shape made, not the current one already on the screen. This is confusing to understand without knowing this ahead of time. To me there's got to be a better way to use the preview. It doesn't seem efficient that I need to first make a line shape, then edit the settings for a future line shape (the fact that it appears like it's editing the original does not help clarify what is happening)
    Could the panel preview be linked to the existing initial line shape? Would that not make it clearer and more efficient? That said, it would make sense to me that those edits made in the preview would also apply equally to future line shapes made.

  • administrators

    @Boldline I add this to the backlog.

  • administrators

    @Boldline said in Line Shape Grid issues:

    Could the panel preview be linked to the existing initial line shape? Would that not make it clearer and more efficient? That said, it would make sense to me that those edits made in the preview would also apply equally to future line shapes made.

    Having both of these: options for the next shape, and editing the current shape is not possible.
    I think the preview button in this case should not be there, as it creates the wrong impression that the changes are for the selected shape. That is not the case.

    To change the selected shape, the Shape panel (or maybe context panel) is more suitable.
    The tool icon double click should apply to the next shape only.

    Would this be OK?

  • @vectoradmin Hmmm I does seem a little redundant that the controls in the line shape grid and other shapes available on the vertical toolbar are basically offered as well in the shape panel.
    Now that I understand how it functions, I'm not as bothered by the preview and controls available in the line shape grid and other shapes panels available by double clicking in the vertical toolbar
    Maybe worth just leaving alone for now?