Collider Tool only allows snapping to inside of shapes
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the tool, but the collider tool only appears to snap objects to the inside of closed shapes. I can't, for example, get a shape to align/rotate around the outside of a circle or other shape. With an open line, it appears to only snap/rotate to follow the bottom (when drawn horizontally).
@cjochetz Hit Space to swap the side of the curve.
Yes! that works. Thank you. I didn't see that in the documentation, although it certainly could be there. I will say that, while holding down SPACE, the shape flashes uncomfortably when the edge of the other object is reached, flipping from inside to outside of the space quickly.
@cjochetz Just press then release the Space, do not hold down. (if held down, it keeps swapping the sides).
Duh, thanks. I misinterpreted your instruction.