English-language YouTube Tutorial Channel

  • You BADLY need an English-language YouTube Tutorial Channel narrated by someone for whom English is their native language. What is out there now is just too hard to understand, too French-accented to easily comprehend, even with Closed Captioning. You should have a fundamentals Playlist for beginners, and then other videos for more advanced users.
    Thanks for listening!

  • administrators

    @kevphil Yes, we do not have any "official" VS channels yet. Those you refer to are made by users, for which I'm very much thankful.
    But it is on the (internal) roadmap to set up some tutorials.

  • @kevphil

    Well, it's a lot of work to run a YouTube channel.

    You can find tutorials with videos in the tutorial section
    and ask here at any time. The answer can sometimes
    be a video.

  • As more people pick up and master the program, naturally more videos will pop up. I'm depending on the PDFs available by other users here for searchability and that's been sufficient. There is so much functionality and variability to the interface that leads to so many options, that I think it would be difficult to condense that into a simple series of videos, much less one...

    Smaller videos (Even tiktok style...) on "What does this do?" "What does that do?" would do wonders to introducing people to what the programs themselves are capable of. It's not always apparent on first impression and judging from just the interface, I still don't quite understand the full extent of what VS is capable of. And also what it can't do (yet).

  • @debraspicher said in English-language YouTube Tutorial Channel:

    I still don't quite understand the full extent of what VS is capable of. And also what it can't do (yet).

    I guess no user here does that 🙂
    and that's the fun I have with VectorStyler,
    discovering the unknown so to speak 🙂

    I think VectorStyler himself is the only one
    who knows how to handle this rocket
    and I still wonder how he does it

  • @debraspicher @VectorStyler This is actually a good idea (the shorts option) as there are quite a few vimeo demos that could be used for this (and are still relevant). Just a matter of recropping, captions and a tune. Could be a way to start.