A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?
@Li-Xiao This method is feasible, similar to Freehand's operation. But the accuracy is not enough. I need to keep the exact value to three decimal places (at least two places). I don't know if there is any place to set it up?
@VectorStyler The angle accuracy between the two capture points is not enough, and 3 decimal places need to be retained.
@VectorStyler By the way, I have a question. A year ago, I posted a question asking, when can multilingualism be supported? A year has passed now. Can I hear good news?
@monsterfox Application Menu \ Edit \ Settings (Ctrl + ,) \ Decimal Widths
@monsterfox said in A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?:
A year ago, I posted a question asking, when can multilingualism be supported? A year has passed now. Can I hear good news?
There is no translation yet, but the good news is that there will be by 1.3.
@monsterfox said in A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?:
The angle accuracy between the two capture points is not enough, and 3 decimal places need to be retained.
It is possible to set the number displayed decimals in the Settings -> Decimal Widths section.
@Li-Xiao Thank you for your answer, Seeing your name, I feel that we are from the same country.
@monsterfox You are welcome.
Yes, seeing the Chinese text in your file, I think we are from the same country. VS is an amazing software with numerous innovations. You can recommend it to your friends. There is currently a 50% off! making it highly cost-effective. In terms of functionality, it is incredibly affordable.
@Li-Xiao 这款软件足够优秀,比市面上的所有软件都强大。但我是用中文的,英文我看太懂,靠翻译交流,包括学习软件,很吃力。如果有中文版,我一定会够买。问了版主,他说要 1.3 版本才会有中文。只能等了,估计要一年 ……
@monsterfox said in A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?:
@Li-Xiao 这款软件足够优秀,比市面上的所有软件都强大。但我是用中文的,英文我看太懂,靠翻译交流,包括学习软件,很吃力。如果有中文版,我一定会够买。问了版主,他说要 1.3 版本才会有中文。只能等了,估计要一年 ……
@Li-Xiao 因为软件是英文的,我甚至连什么地方设置快捷键都找不到,很痛苦啊
@monsterfox said in A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?:
@monsterfox said in A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?:
@Li-Xiao 因为软件是英文的,我甚至连什么地方设置快捷键都找不到,很痛苦啊
@Li-Xiao 我用freehand9.0超过10年,虽然软件是英文的,但是我学习的时候有人教,所以上手并不复杂。但VS确实功能太强大了。Ai , Cdr, Inkscape(前年开始关注到,但目前还不够流畅卡顿明显)我刚才说的几款软件都不如VS强大。所以要是没有中文版的话,学习起来会很吃力。
@monsterfox said in A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?:
@Li-Xiao 我用freehand9.0超过10年,虽然软件是英文的,但是我学习的时候有人教,所以上手并不复杂。但VS确实功能太强大了。Ai , Cdr, Inkscape(前年开始关注到,但目前还不够流畅卡顿明显)我刚才说的几款软件都不如VS强大。所以要是没有中文版的话,学习起来会很吃力。
@Li-Xiao 一些基础功能我也很容易上手,但也有一些基础功能是其他软件所没有的。所以还需要摸索一些时间。还有一些高级功能,我现在甚至连门槛都还没有入。顺便问一下,你到时候把教程发论坛什么位置?还是说你也会抖音发一下,给我的账号,提前关注 。
@VectorStyler This is a Chinese carving software, this is the rotation tool, it is very easy to use for the rotation correction of such symmetrical graphics, very fast and convenient.Perhaps VS can also add this feature. https://youtu.be/HQV-DTiMLMY?feature=shared
@monsterfox said in A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?:
Perhaps VS can also add this feature
I added this to the backlog.
@monsterfox , my strategy is to draw a rectangle between the two reference points, then do arctan(height/width) and you have the angle to apply.
At some point we may be able to type in math expressions in fields and have VS parsing them...BR/ Lars
@larsherold said in A symmetrical figure, rotated by an unknown angle. How to adjust the angle to normal level? Or how to measure the angle of two anchor points?:
At some point we may be able to type in math expressions in fields and have VS parsing them
This is already possible, and (depending on the field) it is also possible to set number properties as expressions using number variables defined at document level.