Am I missing a step in being able to break apart this shape and delete?

  • Is there a step I'm missing to be able to break this piece off and delete it? I know we've spoken about this a lot in the past and a feature was added to the object menu to accomplish this. everything I had tried did not seem to work. I had pulled another one down overtop itself and used merge and it was able to be selected individually and deleted easily without using the new feature at all, but this one was not

    0_1666992224694_1b0612b3-5a8a-44a3-9e10-2d6ee8867883-BLD 2022-10-28 at 17.23.23.png

  • @Boldline For this you need to use 'Separate at Intersections' from the Object menu > Shape.

  • @b77 This is the test file for both this topic and the shift alignment issue. the shift alignment issue is the top version and the "separate at intersections" is the bottom one.

    I tried reducing the angle some to see if that would allow the shift modifier to work properly, but I had the same issue.

    For the "separate at intersections" one, it seems the ones on the right side work properly right away, but the bottom left shape needs more help to work properly... maybe it's a bug? It did eventually work but it took an extra attempt more than the other side to accomplish

    0_1666993251653_test file.vstyler

  • @VectorStyler It appears the side with the issue - the left side.. it has two nodes overtop one another after doing a couple "separate at intersections" attempts on it. This seems like an issue because it should be no different than the right side version of the same thing. Both had the same treatment - but the left side requires extra ""separate at intersections" attempts and results in 2 nodes instead of the typical one

    0_1666993637020_751d8d30-2f7f-4a76-969c-fa31d1c17c49-BLD 2022-10-28 at 17.45.48.png

  • administrators

    @Boldline With two "separate at intersections" commands this corner was also separated.
    I opened a bug on this one, as one command should be sufficient.