Eraser - Behaviour

  • Not sure how much is by design and what is unintended but it is a bit hard to grasp the behaviour:

    If I have an object selected -> eraser works only on that object, and as expected (can start on inside or outside of rectangle and pieces are removed)

    If I have no objects selected -> eraser ignores everything (open paths/rectangles in my test). If I start however within a rectangle, it does erase parts. If I start from within a closed path it doesn't.

    If I have no objects selected -> I can erase parts of a path, but only if and when I exactly go over the path itself. Upon undo, the affected path becomes selected, changing scope of the tool.

    On removing an 'end' segment of a partially erased path, the path itself disappears.

    Attempt to demonstrate all in screengrab:
    alt text

    Additional info - the deletion of the object also seems to happen on shapes. I played a bit further with the blue shape and I could cut in into multiple pieces, but erasing the last edge removed the whole path. screengrab:
    alt text

  • administrators

    @syllie The deletion of the whole object caused by the part erasure is a bug (added to the backlog). The erasing for the empty closed object should start on the outline. But it can be fixed to select from inside also.

  • @vectoradmin I think part of the discussion is 'should anything happen if nothing is selected?' Not sure if that was by design or not. I mean, if nothing is selected, but I drop the eraser on a closed shape with fill, it does erase (from the inside out), but not if I start outside of the object.

  • administrators

    @syllie I'm open to suggestions on the eraser tool selection feature. One option would be to erase from selected objects only if the tool started with those selected. If none was selected (when the tool activated), then erase from anything touched.

  • This functionality now works as intended to - thank you.

    • No objects selected: erase works on any path
    • One or more objects selected: erase only works on the selected paths