About Object> Transform> [Scale], [Skew], [Rotate], [Reflect]
Interlocking transformation does not work.
Even if the check box is turned on,
frame * (stroke) and content (fill) do not change.- Excluding Reflect
@861475_VctSt In the Appearance panel, select the Stroke (or Fill) which should be transformable, and the select the Transform Content in the Appearance panel menu to be checked. This will enable transformations on that content.
I was able to confirm the operation.
I think it needs to be considered that these series of operations are separated into a command dialog and a palette menu. How is it?
@861475_VctSt The options in the command dialog probably should have a different name. I will think of a better description for these.
Or is it better to set the red circle check box in the above figure to off by default?
@861475_VctSt Set them on by default.