Expanded stroke changes its position
Since last build I'm expericencing this problem.
I have seen it too recently.
@encart @Ingolf I also saw this issue the other day and sent a few example files over to @VectorStyler and he was able to replicate it - so I assume the fix will be in the next release he makes.
@encart Send me a file with that example in the recording.
Happens here too.
I noticed that, when expanded, the center of the expanded shape is the first point of the stroke.
@Devil-Dinosaur Could you upload an example file. Would help a lot in replicating the issue.
Here it is :
I put the guides on the first node of the stroke before expanding it, you can see that after expanding, it becomes the center of the expanded shape.
@Devil-Dinosaur yes, can be replicate here. I will try to fix this ASAP.
@encart This problem should be fixed in 1.1.048