Using the Transform tool to select and move a vector is hit or miss
I've been noticing on different projects that I've been doing since the 62 build update, that using the transform tool to select and move a vector is hit or miss.... sometimes it works, other times it won't move the selection
Here is the file in the video:0_1740605625386_move issuevstyler.vstyler
I sometimes notice the same and thought it was my fault
@Subpath I'm also noticing issues with the cusp shortcut (double L) and the keyboard shortcut to make the path a straight line (#1 on the keyboard). I'm trying to figure out if that is because of me or if it's a legit issue
@Boldline I opened a bug on this and will try to replicate it ASAP.
@Boldline Turns out, this was a regression (related to the style picker sensitivity). It is fixed now.
@VectorStyler thank you for taking care of that so quickly!