Adding image effects to locked layers - usability

  • The following happens when a layer/object is locked:

    • Removing an image effect is possible from the dialog after clicking the camera icon

    • It disappears from the list of effects

    • I can select OK

    • But it is (of course) not removed; clicking the camera icon again in the layers panel shows the effect

    • Adding an image effect is possible from the dialog after clicking the camera icon

    • It is added to the list of effects

    • I can select OK

    • But it is (of course) not added; clicking the camera icon again in the layers panel does not longer show the effect

    Expected: some kind of usability message - flat out rejecting adding, editing or removing because the layer is locked

    Priority: Low, low, low, we have bigger fish to fry first 🙂

  • administrators

    @Ingolf This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.048