What is new in VectorStyler 1.2
These are the features and improvements that were added in VectorStyler 1.2
User Interface
- Improved new document setup view.
- Improved Settings view.
- Button to iconify panels.
- Allow multi-stroke shortcuts.
- Search for a shortcut key by pressing keys.
- New full screen modes.
- Show and hide all panels using the Tab key.
- Save viewpoint presets in the Navigator panel.
- Customize all application icons.
- Set large and small nudging multiplier values in settings.
- Show brush names as tool tips when hovering over brush presets.
- Node radius sensitivity in settings.
- Better file name display in alert views.
- Shortcuts for selecting the next or previous blend mode.
- Improved workspace management.
- Context panel button to save and reload workspace and settings files.
- Allow ruler font customization.
- Show guidelines when dragging a new guideline from the ruler.
- Create new action presets from repeat actions.
Layers panel
- Improved Layers panel design.
- Option for outlined layers.
- Template layers option.
- Collect objects in a new layer.
- Zoom to layer when double clicking the preview icon.
- Automatically open a layer when hovering with drag and drop.
- Pressing shortcuts while in the layers panel will do the action on the layers panel selection.
- Hide or lock other layers using key modifier.
- Show isolated layer with Option(Alt) hovering over the layer name.
- Option for paste to remember layer (Layers panel menu).
- Send objects to current layer.
- Add or remove composite shape content in the Layers panel.
- Lock all Others in the Layers panel.
- Drop files on the Layers panel to import into a layer.
Selecting Objects
- Select neighboring objects in selection search.
- Select objects inside an existing shape.
- Select objects intersecting an existing shape.
- Option to keep image effects for new objects.
- Isolate inside symbol instates for editing.
- Option to allow click selection of locked objects.
- Isolate into shape paint object when double clicking.
- Settings for direction dependent selection mode (intersecting or inside).
- Select drawing place from a menu opened with a single context panel button.
- New magic wand selection mode for boxed and lasso selection.
- Use Escape key to exit from isolation mode.
Transforming Objects
- Numeric editing of transform pivot point.
- Move selected objects by an amount from the transform panel.
- Show or hide selection while dragging objects (option in context panel).
- Transform each object separately in the transform tool (option in context panel).
- Transform box rotation (option in context panel).
- Keep transform box rotation when changing selections (option in context panel).
- Snap and cycle transform box rotation between significant angles (option in context panel).
- Distributed scaling and rotation inside first level groups.
- Flip object width and height from transform panel menu.
- Show nearby points when snapping to points.
- Option for transform panel proportional lock to constrain on canvas scaling also.
- Modifier key to rotate around the opposite corner.
- Group overlapping objects.
- Keep relative position of overlapping objects in alignment.
- Slab type alignment presets.
- Rename selected objects or artboards from clipboard.
- Layer and object option for named layer exporting in PDF.
- Use pivot location when click clearing a shape.
- Modifier key in Gap tool to snap to equal sizes.
- Option to show hidden objects as a gray wire frame on top.
- Object option to expand group clipping by stroke width.
- Tangential snapping mode.
- Snap to path extrema locations.
- Improved snapping panel options.
- Use shapes from a guide reference canvas for snapping.
- Content crop tool to adjust image clipping.
Object Styling
- Settings for keeping default styles when changing selection.
- Improved Appearance panel (single style list mode).
- Add image effects to brush styles and presets.
- Select style picker tool option by double clicking on tool icon.
- Brush transparency mask.
- Blend ranges transparency mask.
- Create new concentric gradient with Option(Alt) dragging in the gradient tool.
- Create new empty palette.
- Create new color palette using selected objects.
- Create new color palette using the selected image.
- Merge spot or globals colors.
- Automatically update a color palette opened from a file if the file changes.
- Better handling of objects with multiple roles.
- Option to use layer hierarchy to create style folders from reference canvases.
- Ignore selected objects in a reference canvas (Skip Style Listing role).
- Deep object styling (mirror object style of member objects).
- Tiling pattern content variable and style overrides.
- Vector brush content variable and style overrides.
- Use noise based randomization in scatter brush.
- Separate color picker tool to pick colors from document pixels.
Image and Shape Effects
- Clear edge blur image effect.
- Adaptive dilute tone image effect.
- Edge extraction image effect (Tracing Guide).
- Select envelope shape from the context panel.
- Center point for Warp effects.
- Additional rigid shape options in shape effects.
- Curvature smoothing shape effect.
- Improved blending effect, with new shape blending schemes and object positioning for blending groups.
- Blended shapes: create a shape as a blend of two shapes (linking to originals).
- Blended objects: create an object as a blend of two objects (linking to originals).
Path Editing Tools
- Split object shape.
- Offset Path tool.
- Extend path tool: extend paths along curvature or a shape profile.
- Reposition nodes along the path curvature with the extend path tool.
- Add new nodes to a path using various node position schemes.
- Reshape tool.
- Join paths in Trim and Join tool by holding Option(Alt).
- Cut stroke profile in Trim and Join tool.
- Join paths using curvature extension in Trim and Join tool.
- Duplicate a section of a path using the Node tool.
- Rotate and stretch a section of a path using the Node tool.
- Deleting a segment with the Node tool will cut the path.
- Curvature path smoothing in pencil tool.
- Path eraser tool: erase sections of a path.
- Single Corner mode option for the corner tool.
- Copy paste single nodes.
- Use custom shapes in the eraser tool.
- Show next segment option for pen tool in context panel.
- Turn off path autoclosing for pencil tool in context panel.
Shape and Path
- Image Trace tool: extract shapes from images with options from the Trace Guide panel.
- Vector bucket fill tool.
- Union of regions delimited by open or closed paths.
- Coverage intersection mode to extract overlapping parts of multiple shapes.
- Close gaps option for divide, trim and merge operators.
- New expand stroke command to keep crossing paths.
- Convert flat curves to lines.
- Convert curves to lines.
- Convert dashes to curves.
- Additional square start shape parameters.
- Polygon sections.
- Skew option for star shape tool.
- Merge stroke width profile when joining nodes.
- Close single path with curvature extension.
- Extend path along curvature to nearest intersection.
- Connect two paths using curvature extensions.
- Add new nodes at path extrema locations.
- Align control point angles of selected nodes.
- Join multiple paths at overlapping nodes.
Variables and Styles
- Number variables: used in numeric attributes.
- Selector variables: make variables out of multiple choice attributes.
- Condition variables: use condition in dual choice attributes.
- Expressions for numeric attributes.
- Number variable override generator for repeaters.
- Color variable override generator for repeaters.
- Adjust number variables in repeaters using expressions.
- New repeater attributes for grid, concentric and random modes.
- Set corner content for pattern brushes.
- New simplified color filter to replace colors from a color palette.
- Measurement number generators (shape area, length, etc).
- Data sources and data merge.
- Use a data source in repeater to style repeated objects.
- Use a data source to create multiple artboards on a canvas.
- Symbol parameters.
- Color generator schemes: create new colors from existing ones using a toning scheme.
- Blend mode variables.
- Link transparency mask to the mask of an other object (with an object role).
- Link opacity to the opacity of an other object (extracting number variable from object).
- Merge presets of a kind from multiple files.
- Drag and drop preset files into the preset panels to import and merge presets.
Fonts and Text
- Insert number variables into text.
- Document specific favorite fonts collection (stored in the document).
- Change tracking without highlighting text.
- Reverse text lines direction in a text frame.
- Clear character transformations.
- Allow single word overflowing.
- Show hidden characters in text frames.
- Adjust text frame size to text flow size.
- Align to text inside text frame.
- Alternate font manager view to assign fonts to collections.
- Single text wrap distance value mode in text wrap panel.
Document Options
- Display CMYK blacks as rich blacks (Display Options).
- Allow template canvases from linked documents.
- Import multiple files with interactive placing.
- Options for multiple page PDF importing.
- Compressed image mode in document options.
- Options to distort content of linked vector graphics.
- Relink multiple files from a common folder.
- Show options to select which recovery file to open.
- Incremental export again.
- Create artboards from selected object bounding box.
- Scale selected objects to fit to artboard bounds.
- Resize artboard to fit its content.
- Crop atboard to selection.
- Generate artboard guidelines using columns and rows settings.
- Set artboard margin as columns and rows.
- Option to show artboard size in artboard label.
- Link bleed and margin values.
- Go to artboard by name.
- List opened documents as document options presets.