Possible to convert the Html Help to PDF ?
Is it possible to convert the HTML help into a PDF file?
Searchable of course.For one thing, the HTML help file only works when I'm online,
it doesn't work offline.And (excuse me for saying this without insulting Google), but
I don't like having to search a help file for a program via Google.
Whether that is VS or some other program.Thanks for taking note.
@Subpath I will try to find the solution for this. The main issue is that formatting / layout needs to be different for PDF.
@vectoradmin ,
PDF is not a must have. I can live with other solutions too.
Offline Html ? Or whatever.I find the search options in PDF more comfortable than in
Html and of course you don't have to search there via
Google search.Btw. some kind of index could maybe be also be helpful.
Thank you for looking into.
I support this request : a pdf help file would be a benefit while helping me progress in using VS