Add Edit Fill and Outline Options Dialog Boxes
User Interface Improvement:
I’d like to see VectorStyler add an Edit Fill and Outline Properties Options Dialog boxes in a similar manner as CorelDRAW does.
These additions tie in with two other of my VectorStyler Forum Posts:
*“Improvement to Default Object Properties Options”
“Improved “Status Bar” with More Detailed, Specific Context based Information”Both the Fill and Outline Dialog panels could be accessed in multiple ways (including the Application Menu), but as pointed out in the other forum posts, they could readily and simply be Opened by Clicking directly on with the Fill Icon or the Outline Icon as CorelDRAW does.
The two Icons provide a distinctive design flair to the Workspace to easily Edit the Fill or Outline "Attributes" of Selected objects, or when NO objects are Selected, to make Changes to the Document Default Fill and Outline Properties in the Current Document.
The Fill and Outline Icons would always be displayed in the suggested new and improved Status Bar and would appear in the Context Bar with any Selection. The Icons would also be available for users to add to the Standard Toolbar or Toolbox by VectorStyler Workspace Customization.
Below are examples of what the CorelDRAW Edit Fill and Outline Pen Dialog Boxes look like:
Edit Fill Options Dialog Box:
Outline Pen Options Dialog:.
.Here is how a suggested Fill and Outline Icons would look in VectorStyler:
Status Bar:
Context Toolbar:
@Vector-Rock I will add these to the backlog for new features. A couple of observations:
- the modal (dialog) view for fill or stroke will be added as an option for the current fill / stroke buttons in the context bar. This means that by default it will be a popover, but it can be configured to open a modal (and then more fill options are available).
- the status / info bar is in the backlog already, will be done somewhere before version 2.
- color icons in the UI: this is a bit of a problem (not technical). I try to avoid any color icons (or elements in general) in the user interface. Color is shown only if it indicates some style / content. Of course technically it is possible to have colors (icons and other) in the UI, but I would like to keep the VS UI as monochrome as possible.
@vectoradmin said in Add Edit Fill and Outline Options Dialog Boxes:
@Vector-Rock I will add these to the backlog for new features. A couple of observations:
- the modal (dialog) view for fill or stroke will be added as an option for the current fill / stroke buttons in the context bar. This means that by default it will be a popover, but it can be configured to open a modal (and then more fill options are available).
Yes, being able to change all the Fill Attributes is definitely the way to go.
- the status / info bar is in the backlog already, will be done somewhere before version 2.
Very much looking forward to this.
VectorStyler has a very steep learning curve. Unfortunately, this will frustrate many new users whose patience and attention span (especially in todays world) are such that some/many will give up in frustration long before they have ever given VectorStyler a fighting chance. I think having a really good Status Bar (and not to mention Contextual Toolbar), with very specific, well thought out and articulated Hint/Tips/Modifier Key and other information, should not be underestimated in combating this.
@Vector-Rock I think it depends some on what the target market of VS is. I see it as geared more for power-users than beginners personally - those that feel Illustrator is too bogged down with "features" and not tools and is sadly subscription-based, those that feel Corel is too "mechanical", Designer is too light for deep work, etc
I agree VS has a steep learning curve if you're an absolute beginner. It reminds me of Illustrator or Photoshop in the sense that there's a lot of power under the hood that many people will never experience or if they do it will take time. Most users don't tap into half of what major vector programs or raster programs can offer.
Average people and all of us at one point just started in with the basics of our respective well-known programs and added to it over time. It's a lot like learning a spoken language; you add to your knowledge over time and if you can get down 30% of it, you can understand 80% or more of conversations and it's super useful to you. I know VS has a ton of useful tools and tricks built in that I have not found yet. Right now my own strategy has been to try to use VS the way I use Illustrator - trying to replicate my current workflow and then as that becomes more familiar in VS, branching out into new territory.
Perhaps we're all in the same boat, but I'd like to see us (self included) creating VS tutorial content through tutorials and videos on Youtube. Even if the videos start simple.
Yes I agree that over time, as VS continues to evolve and improve with each update , as VS Documentation is further developed, and as more people become knowledgeable about the program and post videos and other tutorials, it will help us all get a better handle on the program.
All vector programs have a steep learning curve to a beginner. The developer has acknowledged VS has a steep learning curve. It goes hand-in-hand when you have a program packed with a lot of stuff and still in early development. I mentioned it in the context that anything (like improving the Status Bar) that helps people grasp the program sooner in today's "microwave society" (not saying I agree with it, but just how it is), will help VS succeed (and I know you and I are amoung the biggest contributors and champions of VS!
) While of course the target market is relevant, the focus and goal should be to make the program as simple, intuitive, and user friendly as possible, regardless of the experience of the user. Even power-users don't want stuff harder to use just because they have experience or can figure it out, ha, ha:
It is encouraging to see the continued improvement of VS. The developer and its loyal users need to continue to press forward to help continue this trend.