Path Simplifier Tool same as Smooth Tool in Illustrator?
Is the path simplifier tool the same as the path smooth tool in Illustrator? I tend to think they are different - that the VS Path Simplifier Tool reduces the number of nodes in a brushed over section of a stroke. Is there an equivalent to the Illustrator smooth tool that I'm overlooking? Basically a tool you use to brush over a stroke and it smooths out the stroke?
@Boldline To smooth over the whole stroke, use the Object -> Simplify Path command. This will smooth selected strokes.
There is also a stroke width smooth tool, to smooth out width profiles.
@VectoradminI think it is different from that of Illustrator.
The Simplifier Tool in the current version (1.0.039) does not seem to be working.
What do you think?However, the menu command does work.
[ Object->Simplify Path ].Here's what I see.
It seems to be a function of Clipping, Appxromate, and Curvature as a whole, rather than smoothing the desired area.
It does not give a prediction of how many nodes can be reduced.
@vectoradmin - I tried out the object>simplify path panel and I can see value in what you have put together. It will take me some time to figure out what settings give the best results. @861475_VctSt makes a good point about Illustrator's simplify path option; the focus there is to reduce nodes on a path that are unnecessary to maintain the current curvature of the path. If this already exists in your simplify path panel and I missed it - let me know. I think this could be an option added to the existing object>simplify path panel, like a partitioned segment below what you have now.
The simplifier tool itself from the toolbar does not seem to be working as was mentioned before. But if I understand the tool correctly, this adjusts the sizing and graduation of the width itself - it does not reset the path trajectory, correct?I would advocate for a smooth tool option to be added similar to Illustrator's smooth tool - in that you can scrub certain sections of an existing path and it will smooth out that section only. I use this all the time in Illustrator - sometimes part of a stroke needs a little finesse. Here is a little video in Illusttator showing the smooth tool in action.
A tool like this (what illustrator offers) helps meld the technical with the artistic in the user. Me being a professional artist - when I use VS or Illustrator, or any vector app, I want the ability to take advantage of the technical aspects of vector work, but also leave room for creativity and less technical at other times. So for example, the existing object>simplify path panel is great... but it doesn't currently leave much room for artistic edits - going in and fine tuning a section of the path based on the artist's eye. Hopefully that makes sense!
@vectoradmin Checking in on this one. Is it possible at some point now or later to have the ability to smooth out a path by "hand" - not just the ability to smooth the width of a stroke or do a generalized computer sourced smoothing?
I use this feature in Illustrator a lot for quick tweaking of strokes I want to adjust the curve to slightly... in Illustrator there are sensitivity settings for how much impact a single "stroke" of the cursor gives the path. The more you stroke the path with the tool, the more the effect is made to it - smoothing it more.
@Boldline I will have to study this a bit more, to understand the differences.
@861475_VctSt The Path Simplifier tool is working here (1.0.043):
@vectoradmin It's possible I could be missing something.
Here is an example of me using the Path Simplifier Tool as best I know howin VS
I'm seeing very slight edits to the line smoothness. I'm focused at this point on literally smoothing out the direction of the pathHere is an example of what I am doing in Illustrator that I am hoping I can also accomplish inside VS
Each time I go over the edge of the shape - the part of the path I go over smooths out some based on how sensitive I make the settings in the dialog box.
This is a more "artistic" tool - in that it's not using the computer and VS to "compute" a level of smoothness for the whole path - but I can go in and tweak and modify sections of the path myself
Let me know if this helps explain what I'm saying better
If VS already does this and I'm missing it - let me know. There's so much awesome stuff in here that I'm finding out about each day I practice with it.
@Boldline This clarifies the issue. VS does not do this type of smoothing.
I added this to the backlog as a new feature, I'm not sure it can make it into the next build, but it has high priority.
@vectoradmin Thank you! It's a minor tool but it is a nice to have for tweaking small things
@vectoradmin When you add it, it could probably go in the same place the path simplifer is now - or it could be a built in part of the path simplifier and make it a toggle or option as to how it gets used. Just my thoughts