DWG / DXF support for technical/architecture renderings
Most architects have to use Illustrator today to brush up their renderings because they need DWG/DXF-file support.
Affinity Designer does not offer DWG/DXF or real vector patterns (for rendering pavement/tiles/brick work etc) so it is not very useful for me.
Also there are a few Astute Graphics plugins that are quite useful, but only compatible with Illustrator today. I hope VectorStyler will have a look at that company for at least some inspiration.
Is VectorStyler aiming to be of use for Architects or are you mainly going to focus on graphic designers like Affinity?
@c64 Welcome to VectorStyler.
About DWG/DXF: these are in the backlog, and will be supported at some point to the extent suitable for VectorStyler (2D drawings). (and VS already has real vector patters).
As far as file formats are concerned, WMF / EMF is of the highest priority (for Mac also) so that the Windows beta can be completed.As for new features: yes these are considered and will be added in the future, as development progresses. If there are some features that should be prioritized, please post on this forum. Some of these features might already exist, but they have different name or form.
VectorStyler is mainly going to focus on graphic design, but with an eye on all related use cases. So if AI and its extensions are suitable for some task, then VS should also be (otherwise it is considered a missing feature).
I love architects, but they're not the only ones to need .dxf support
Affinity is still shooting themselves in the foot by ignoring .dxf and the market is right for VectorStyler to clean-up with the huge number of Laser/CNC/3Dprint/Vinyl and others who'd both jump on an promote VectorStyler if it had .dxf support - please do it for us all.
@bennett It is in the backlog. Could not make it for 1.2
LOL, don't you just hate 20th century DXFAs a geriatric laser user myself, DXF has been surpassed for me by SVG - even some of the flavours of DXF are unsupported by "Autocad" itself - they don't even support a dimensional value - try passing DXF files among end producers and see what your results are ! Life is much easier when supported by an XML based format such as SVG (and easier to parse). Perhaps it's time to move away from the dreaded DXF and DWG 2D formats.
I can fully understand where the architectural community are coming from, but it's really as simple as /Export/SVG /rant :-))))
@bennett said in DWG / DXF support for technical/architecture renderings:
I love architects, but they're not the only ones to need .dxf support
Affinity is still shooting themselves in the foot by ignoring .dxf and the market is right for VectorStyler to clean-up with the huge number of Laser/CNC/3Dprint/Vinyl and others who'd both jump on an promote VectorStyler if it had .dxf support - please do it for us all.
Update spring 2024. As of last update Affinity Designer now has decent DXF and DWG support for both import and export. This is so good for compatibility with the vast number of CNC, 3D Printing and Vinyl Cutting Apps that need DXF. Affinity id so cumbersome for most technical vector applications and VectorStyler is so much easier to use quickly. Right now I'm having to design and edit in VectorStyler and then using Affinity for DXF conversion. Please VectorStyler devs consider adding DXF. Many thanks
@bennett said in DWG / DXF support for technical/architecture renderings:
Please VectorStyler devs consider adding DXF.
It is in the backlog, will be done before version 2
I'm also in favour of DXF support. It will really improve compatibility with other software.
A few important points to bear in mind:
Dxf contains a point of origin and it would be great if it could be recognised in some way in VectorStyler. When importing, it's essential to be able to decide where to position the drawing depending on where the origin is inserted. For example, in the bottom left-hand corner of the format or in the centre. Having control of this origin means you can import dxf again later and align the drawings perfectly (this is a real pain in Illustrator because the origin is not strictly recognised).
It would also be super useful to have the option of sorting layers alphabetically in VectorStyler if desired. Because dxf doesn't seem to keep the order of the drawings, but if the files are organised numerically or alphabetically in the CAD software, it's nice to have that order in Vectorstyler once imported.
Thanks for the great development so far, looking forward for this implementation,
@Pipouille said in DWG / DXF support for technical/architecture renderings:
looking forward for this implementation
It is in the backlog for 1.3, both DWG and DXF