Presets working the wrong way
I can’t understand the preset functionality mechanism of the software.
I have a preset associated with a blue stroke color.
I open a new document and decide to use that specific preset, which should create a blue stroke.
I click the preset button for the blue color, start drawing, and get a standard black stroke instead!
This shouldn’t work this way. In real life, if I want to draw a blue line, I first pick the blue pen and then start writing.
In the software, it works backward: I draw first and then am forced to assign the preset afterward.
It’s so frustrating…
I’m asking if it’s possible to set the preset before starting to draw.
Thank you.
@Fertuffo said in Presets working the wrong way:
In the software, it works backward: I draw first and then am forced to assign the preset afterward.
Yes, for some presets this order will be neccessary.
I will try to fix the issue for basic presets usable for drawing (color, fill, stroke).
@Fertuffo What was the preset tyoe when the preset was created (the type is selected from the (+) button)
Thank you very much. This would significantly change the workflow speed and the very concept of drawing.
The type of preset I choose is “Create object style”.
I also noticed that when opening the program, the preset panel appears empty, only filling with my presets after creating a new one.
@Fertuffo said in Presets working the wrong way:
the preset panel appears empty, only filling with my presets after creating a new one.
I could not replicate this, a recording might help.
Yes, of course.
Can I upload a short video here?
I’ve noticed other anomalies in the presets.
I created a curve profile that tapers at the ends and assigned it a preset.
I drew a new line where I wanted to apply my new preset, but when I pressed the preset button, it simply didn’t work.
Additionally, the preset icons often appear empty, making them practically unusable. In my opinion, they should be represented with a diagonal line (more visible) instead of a square outline.
@Fertuffo said in Presets working the wrong way:
Can I upload a short video here?
Send me the recording by email to csraba at
@Fertuffo said in Presets working the wrong way:
I drew a new line where I wanted to apply my new preset, but when I pressed the preset button, it simply didn’t work.
When creating the preset it is possible to create it "into" the document. Save that document and send it to my email for testing. Thanks!
@VectorStyler This one I resolved by myself, thanks. I was looking in the wrong sub-panel. I applied the wrong preset (this was caused by the misleading icons, which in some cases are empty squares).
Let me send you the other video
Thank you very much! The new version has finally fixed everything. This is a feature I would have wanted from day one. Now the workflow will definitely speed up! Thank you again.