Slightly snapping of Sliders on Zero / Neutral Position
One thing I often wish for when working with VS sliders
is a somewhat defined zero/neutral position. This means
that the slider would slightly snaps to the zero / neutral position.This isn't a problem with sliders that start at zero, but I miss it
and find it difficult with sliders where the zero/neutral position (0 or 100%)
is in the middle.It would be nice and helpful if this were possible.
@Subpath I added this to the backlog. One challenge is to define the neutral position for all those fields.
@VectorStyler ... and double-clicking the cursor returns it to zero
would be very nice.
@VectorStyler, thank you
Could you tell me what would be easier for you?
As @B-Vs-V mentioned a double click, I could also
live with such a solution.By neutral position I mean the standard setting. For
percentages, for example, this is usually 100%; for
other values, it's usually zero.
i also wrote Neutral because i did know a better Term
will post a picture