separate paths
What is the method to quickly separate closed and unclosed paths?
@monsterfox Are these separate objects? If so you can use Select -> Shape Type -> Closed Curves / Opened Curves to select them
@VectorStyler Alright, I'll give it a try tomorrow.Thank you.
@VectorStyler Two issues have been identified:
- The built-in standard shapes (not converted to paths) cannot be recognized as closed paths.
- Many paths that are closed in AI become unclosed when pasted into VS.
Please address these two issues.
@monsterfox said in separate paths:
Many paths that are closed in AI become unclosed when pasted into VS
I need an example AI file for this.
@monsterfox said in separate paths:
Many paths that are closed in AI become unclosed when pasted into VS
I tested with the AI file and could not replicate this issue.
In the file there are two open shapes (horizontal lines).
All other shapes remained closed after pasting or importing into VS.
@VectorStyler My mistake, I have been working within the same document, which is problematic. (If possible, could you also check why text cannot be entered in this document?) Newly created documents do not have this issue. I will send you a new problematic AI document later.0_1742466169422_1.vstyler
This post is deleted!
@VectorStyler The closed paths of red and white will break when copied to VS.
@monsterfox said in separate paths:
The closed paths of red and white will break when copied to VS.
I will try with this file.