About images
(1) The operation cursor for the image cropping tool is a stretching arrow, which can easily be misinterpreted as stretching the image. It is recommended to refer to the hand cursor used in other programs. (2) The image cropping feature allows for dimensions beyond the original image size, which should be removed.
(1) Images have a stroke attribute, allowing adjustment of stroke width. (2) They also possess offset and expansion attributes, all of which should be removed.
Any image copied from AI and pasted into VS becomes darker, as if the brightness has been reduced. It is hoped that the above three issues will be fixed.
@monsterfox I added these to the backlog (1) and (3).
The problem for (2): all images are clipped (in a rectangle initially, but clipped), this clipping "frame" can be styled with fill and stroke, just like any other object.