Using the Stroke Width Tool and creating new shapes

  • I I have noticed that after using the Stroke Width Tool (I will called swt forward) when I switch to one of the shape tools and create a new shape, the object will appear as if I had used the swt on it.

    In the image below #1 and #2 were created before using the swt, then I created #3 and applied the swt on it before creating #4:


    I didn't aplied any effect on #4. I just made it.

    Is this behavior intended or is it a bug?

  • administrators

    @PixEllipsus Not a bug. The new object will take the current object style (fill and stroke), including the width profile.
    This can be disabled using the Settings -> Drawing -> Width Profile in New Objects option

  • Thanks @VectorStyler for your quick answer. I have already disabled the width profile in new objects and it's working fine.