The way how 'Break apart' works with text

  • Im not sure if 'Break apart" feature works fine with text. I want to transform text into single editable letters.
    1.Break apart or Convert to curves (gives me one 'Path group' object placed in a group)
    2.Select text in a group
    3.Break apart.

    In case of text 'break apart' works the same as 'convert to curves' except placing in group.
    Wouldn't it be better if single use of break apart on the text resulted in breaking the text into letters and placing it in a group?
    That is how I understand assigning roles to objects. It was confusing for me at the very beginning. It tooks me a while to figure out why i wasn't able to use Union on text after 'Break apart'

    It's my personal opinion and it would be great if other users say whether I think right.

  • Global Moderator

    One possible consideration is that if you were to separate the characters into separate text objects you would lose ligatures, which could change not only the appearance but also the spacing of the text.

  • administrators

    @fde101 Maybe we separate it into glyphs instead of characters, losing the original character code info.

  • Global Moderator

    You wouldn't necessarily need to lose the character encoding - the resulting objects from breaking it up like this could still be individual text objects in most cases. You would simply need to keep the characters / code points which had been merged into a ligature together as one text object to maintain the ligature rather than splitting them from each other.

    Keeping them as text objects may also be useful for quality reasons as it may allow hinting to be maintained, something which would be lost if converting them to curves.

  • @fde101 That's why I wanted to hear from others. Each of us uses vectors for different purposes. In my case, these are mainly designs for cnc machine tools. I realize that I may be in the minority and my expectations may be a disappointment to someone. I need to work on curves. The properties of the text are important to me only at the beginning. In the next step, I usually have to edit the characters to fit the design. Make longer serifs, connect the two characters, connect the point from 'i' to the base. It is not possible while keeping the character of the text.

  • Global Moderator

    @encart if break apart creates text objects then you can convert to curves to get editable curves with each in a separate object, would that not give you what you need while still providing the added utility of retaining them as text objects for those who might benefit from maintaining higher quality (through hinting) for screen display and print applications?

  • administrators

    @fde101 I think break apart should create curves, as this is the expected behavior in other apps with similar command.

  • Character tool is great for modifying single characters - then you keep all text properties. Using Break apart, I would intuitively expect to get single curves that I could modify like shapes. Immediately after use, quickly and smoothly.

    Basically, the only difference with the current behavior is that you get split into separate paths right away. No need to use Break apart twice. As like as it is with objects created from a few paths.