Could edits to a gradient made in gradient panel and modified in repeater update the repeater result?
I know you've mentioned on the forum that you're working on updates eventually coming to the repeater functionality. If this is already addressed then disregard!
Is it possible for the gradient the repeater is using as reference to be updated when the gradient panel is adjusted? - or is that not possible because their are modal panels?
Here is a video where I created a gradient and then applied the repeater to that gradient. When I went back to adjust the gradient with the gradient tool, it did not seem to have an effect.I did a further test and made a gradient with an unusual end point and then applied to each copy of the gradient a different style in the repeater panel. Some of them resembled the original gradient more than others - is that intentional?
On a different note: Are these random spots just anomalies? or is there a way to avoid this kind of result?
@Boldline It should update the gradient:
Maybe in your example the change is too small to be visible.
I will try to fix the large spots at the edge problem.
ok it works here to adjust the repeater with the gradient panel on the fly. Sounds like my original test was too small for me to see, as you mentioned - thanks for showing me
Do you have a thought about this part?
The original gradient is on the far left and the different styles inside repeater were applied to it.
I just realized I forgot to edit the numbers for halftone 2 and halftone 3 respectively... in the image
I corrected it hereIt seems odd to me that halftone 1 does not resemble the original halftone it was based upon - but halftone 2 and halftone 3 do resemble it.
in a similar way, stippling 1 does not resemble the original halftone it was supposed to be based on... stippling 2 is closer but still has a lot of larger dots at the top and stippling 3 seems more accurate
@Boldline I will test these presets.