Set Live Text to a specific Angle

  • I love the options for alignment in the contextual menu when editing a path. Focusing on the angle option for a moment, I was thinking that same option would be applicable with live text. I was looking for this option, but not seeing it in the contextual menu or the text panels. Its certainly possible I missed it. If it's not there, is the expectation that the user would create a path at the angle they prefer and then add text to that path to achieve the text being set the a specific angle?

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  • administrators

    @Boldline The context panel is somewhat crowded now to add this. Especially for the text, where the font / alignment option must be shown.

    Would the transform panel rotation angle work for this?

  • @VectorStyler Ahh! yes the transform panel angle works perfectly for this. No need to add it to the contextual menu.

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