Preview Shape Combine (Document Editor option)
I turned on the Preview Shape Combine option in preferences. When I select a few objects and just hover over the various operations in the toolbar, it actually generates the resulting shape. Watch the layer panel, and see the objects being added to the document whenever you hover over an icon. Is this intentional?
@Gremriel Its kind of a side effect, hopefully the object is not shown in the Layers panel after the hovering moved away. The same thing will happen with any panel showing object status.
Yes, I see that now, it just takes a second or two for the preview shapes to be cleared from the layers Panel. But in the case of the boundary option, it creates a new object just by hovering over the icon.
@Gremriel That new object should be undone if the hovering moves away. If not it is a bug.
I made a recording of what happens. I apologize if I post too much because of not understanding, I'm just trying to learn the ins and outs of the app
Indeed the shapes of the previews are deleted when hovering away (it takes a few seconds on my PC). However, hovering over the Create Boundary icon, in my case, does create a physical object.
Hovering over the boundary icon
Also, the undo stack doesn't function correctly anymore, the undo steps only cover the action from creating and manipulating the original two objects, but the boundary shapes are not affected.
@Gremriel Looks like an error. Will be fixed in the next build.
Posting is welcomethis is how the app gets improved.