Inconsistent Polygon Rotation Angle

  • When creating polygons, the rotation seems off.

    For example, in Affinity Designer, when there are an odd number of sides, and the rotation angle is set to zero, a corner points straight up, and its opposite side at the bottom is horizontal.

    VS's approach could be more consistent.

  • administrators

    @_NM_ Yes, this can be replicated here also, but this is by design. In VS the polygon angle is the angle between the starting (center) point and the corner that is dragged.

    The zero angle is along the horizontal line (on the right side of the starting point) and the angle is in counterclockwise direction. This is the part cannot be changed, it is the default cartesian coordinate system of math.

    The way Affinity and VS draw (and handle) polygons is very different.

  • OK - as long as everything else follows the same scheme, one can handle it. Still, from a graphic design perspective, increasing angles in a counter-clockwise fashion feels counterintuitive.

  • @VectorStyler P.S. - a 5-sided Super Shape appears at a 180 degree rotation relative to a pentagon drawn with the Polygon tool.

  • administrators

    @_NM_ said in Inconsistent Polygon Rotation Angle:

    a 5-sided Super Shape appears at a 180 degree rotation relative to a pentagon drawn with the Polygon tool.

    I will loom into this, and fix it if possible.