Few questions about stroke arrows

  • Create Arrow Preset

    • Is a new initial arrow shape always 300% relative to the stroke width as a starting point?
    • Save fields; Group selector, Name field and Description field.
      What is description for? I only see it in the Presets panel as a pop up at the arrow in question. I think I would prefer to see the name there.
    • In the documentation I see a description of the 'Fused Arrow' option. Cannot find this in the panel itself.

    Presets Panel Arrows

    • I tried to see what would happen pushing the button "Update and synchronize presets". All presets previews suddenly became very small. What updates/synchonizes what to what?

    Does expand stroke + arrow always expand stroke with arrow shape merged with the stroke?

  • administrators

    @Ayo said in Few questions about stroke arrows:

    Create Arrow Preset

    • Is a new initial arrow shape always 300% relative to the stroke width as a starting point?

    Yes, there is a need for a starting size relative to the stroke width. Scan be further adjusted with scale.

    • Save fields; Group selector, Name field and Description field.

    Group: the preset group to save to. In VS it is possible to create multiple preset groups. For example a user defined folder can be treated as a preset group and all presets placed there are automatically available.

    What is description for? I only see it in the Presets panel as a pop up at the arrow in question. I think I would prefer to see the name there.

    Description: it can be a detailed description of a preset (all presets have it), shown for tooltip only. The name is shown when listing presets with the (icon / name) list. I could combine the name with the description for the tooltip.

    • In the documentation I see a description of the 'Fused Arrow' option. Cannot find this in the panel itself.

    Available only ifthe arrow shape is an open path, or contains at least one open path. In this case the scaling is ignored, and the open path endings (both) are connected to the stroke ending.

    • I tried to see what would happen pushing the button "Update and synchronize presets". All presets previews suddenly became very small. What updates/synchonizes what to what?

    The update / sync button is used to reload the preset files if those are changed by some background process.

    I tested this now and the preview sizes did not change here.

    Does expand stroke + arrow always expand stroke with arrow shape merged with the stroke?

    Yes, the arrow shape is combined with the stroke.

  • @VectorStyler said in Few questions about stroke arrows:

    Yes, there is a need for a starting size relative to the stroke width. Scan be further adjusted with scale.
    Yes, the arrow shape is combined with the stroke.

    That's absolutely fine! just good to know.

    I could combine the name with the description for the tooltip.

    No need for that. I see that if you leave description empty it just shows the name. That's fine. Doesn't change the fact that I don't see the purpose or ease of use of 'description'.

    Available only if the arrow shape is an open path

    OK. I personally find the 'grayed out' system more helpful if something is not available. Whether it concerns panels or menus. Then you at least know that the function is there but cannot be applied. Then you can experiment until the light comes on. Also no strange empty spaces or jumping rhythms in your layout.

    I tested this now and the preview sizes did not change here.

    For me they are also back to the old size after changing display mode and back.
