Save multiple effects (as a style?) and apply them to an object

  • I've got a design that I'd like to apply to another object: can I save all the modifications I've made (blending, color, transparency, image/shape effect, etc.) and apply them to another object? If so, how do I do this?
    Thanks ☺

  • administrators

    @Pat It is possible to save the style of that object by creating an "Object Style", but this does not include shape effects. Shape effects can be saved separately as a shape effect style.

    But an easier way is to give the source object (the one containing the style) a name and assign the "Object Style" and "Shape Effect" roles. Then there will be these two styles (same name) that can be used and are linked to this original design.

    But if you need this outside of the document, then you need to save them as presets. Or (a bit more advanced) use the link the document in the Document Links to your current document.

  • administrators

    @Pat Regarding the styling question (from the email): the Object Style can be created using the (+) button in the Styles panel, that opens a style kind selection menu, and select "Create Object Style".

    The dynamic link part refers to the "object role" feature of VectorStyler. Instead of creating an object style (or shape effect style), set a name for the object and use the "Role" button in the Object Options to select a "role" for the object. The "Object Style" role should be in the role menu, the "Shape Effect" role can be found by selecting the "more roles..." item.

  • @VectorStyler said in Save multiple effects (as a style?) and apply them to an object:

    @Patthe Object Style can be created using the (+) button in the Styles panel, that opens a style kind selection menu, and select "Create Object Style".

    @VectorStyler I've tried this and VS crashed (not responding).

  • administrators

    @Pat said in Save multiple effects (as a style?) and apply them to an object:

    Object Style can be created using the (+) button in the Styles panel, that opens a style kind selection menu

    Please send a file with the object that causes this crash (there must be an object to create a style).