Just an Idea related to the Color Picker

  • How about using the right Mouse Button
    to pick the color for the Stroke/Outline ?
    If that make sense.

    As it is by now If i select a Object
    left Mouse Button select the Fill color
    right Mouse Button select the Stroke color
    with the Color Wheel.

    This scheme doesnt work by using the color picker.
    The color picker is used to for fill color only.

  • @Subpath Are you suggesting getting rid of the right-click menu when the color picker is active so the right-click of the mouse can make any color chosen with the picker the stroke color?
    I think I would be in favor of this

    @VectorStyler on a related side note: could the control key on mac act like the right click of the mouse when it comes to choosing colors from a color palette, the color side bar palette and also for the color/style picker itself? it works that way with other things - for example, if i click with the stlylus and hold down the control key, I get the right-click menu. I would expect the same with choosing a color. the reason being is that when I use the stylus to work, sometimes it's easier to press down the control key while picking the stroke color instead of trying to depress the button on the side of the stylus

  • administrators

    @Subpath The color picker can also change the color of the stroke, if you select the stroke mode in the color panel top-left knob.

    But I will see if this option can be added.

    @Boldline I will try to add this.

  • @VectorStyler

    I would say it is a very minor thing and I can live without it,
    don't want to overload VS, so let's stick with setting the
    stroke mode by now.

    This idea came to me from the way color fills are handled
    with the color wheel (fill and stroke fill). If you select colors
    from the color wheel, you can use the right mouse button
    for stroke fill without setting the stroke mode first.
    But I'm wondering what the right mouse menu is for when
    the color picker is active. I didn't understand the point of it.

    ...Are you suggesting getting rid of the right-click menu...
    No, not really. See my answer to VS.

    But I was surprised about the right-click menu
    that you can call up when the color picker is active
    and I don't really understand its purpose.