It is HSL not HLS

  • It took me a while to understand why I was always fumbling so much with using the HSL color picker in VectorStyler until I realized that the parameters (sliders) are in the wrong order (HLS) in VectorStyler compared to all the other programs where I use the color model. HSL is clearly my favorite. It’s ingrained in my muscle memory which sliders to adjust for colors, so it makes sense that my subconscious have issues in VectorStyler.

    I don’t have any program that uses an order other than HSL; Photoshop, Illustrator, Affinity, Inkscape, Lightroom Classic, websites, whatever. Well, the reason is obvious. The official name is HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness). It's important to use the correct order and terminology as it is the standard in graphics applications and programming.

    I don't have time to go in circles about this observation, so here's some documentation: πŸ™‚

    W3C (World Wide Web Consortium): W3C specifies the HSL color model in CSS.

    W3C CSS Color Module Level 3
    Mozilla Developer Network (MDN): MDN documents the HSL color model in their CSS reference.

    MDN Web Docs: hsl()
    Wikipedia: The Wikipedia article on HSL and HSV color models describes the technical aspects and usage.

    HSL and HSV on Wikipedia

    So can we please have it corrected, thank you. πŸ™‚

  • BTW sliders still do not show the correct value on the sliders, if not always, then often. It is very, very confusing:


    HSB is getting it right this time:


    This happened instantly in new default settings driven document:


  • administrators

    @Ingolf I opened a bug on this.

  • Thank you πŸ™‚

  • The sequence of the sliders has been corrected but the labelling is still wrong (HLS) in some of the colour dialogs.

  • administrators

    @William-Kansepa said in It is HSL not HLS:

    The sequence of the sliders has been corrected but the labelling is still wrong (HLS) in some of the colour dialogs.

    I will try to fix this.

  • HSL it is now, many thanks! πŸ™‚