Troubles with Layer Creation, Layer naming (on creation)
I like in Affinity that we can hold Alt and name a new layer on the fly.
In VS, I use Alt modifier on the Layer Creation icons a boat load, then I mouse over to click the field for a name to fill with text. (Would it be a good idea to have that field automatically highlighted? I'm curious what others think. I don't know how objective I'm being here...)
The problem I run into is I find this UX to be clunky for me. For example, I keep forgetting to use the "Selected Objects" checkbox and so more than I like, I lose my selections. It would be helpful to be able to get those selections back because I often have to fish through them (Pencil Tool lines, for example) to find what goes where. Perhaps this is already possible. This can be really painful when there's a lot of detail work.
Am I working against myself somehow or should this be easier? I don't know. All I know is losing the selection(s) when I fudge a Layer creation does eat up a significant amount of time that could be spent on canvas.
I know I can rename the Layer afterwards directly in the list, but it's not allowing me to single click Layers most of the time to name them. So that often puts me back in that dialog.
@debraspicher I will try to improve this (fixing the bugs first).