Idea for functionality of a built-in note text file in VS
Going back to the idea I had mentioned a while back about a built in note text file in each document for storing relative notes. I noticed that Apple's Garageband app has a note icon in the upper right corner that is an easy dropdown for writing any applicable notes for the music file.
I don't know if this is a better option than a dedicated panel window - but maybe it could be the best of both worlds? Much like some of the tools in the horizontal top menu bar can be opened temporarily and used and then auto-close the panel - or it can also be dragged out of that top menu bar and be a floating panel. An example of this would be the existing properties of a panel like the align panel.
I would also like that. I miss a feature like that in many programs
because I like to write down ideas or just a few thoughs.
@Boldline I added this to the features backlog.