Canva Reference usability?
Trying to introduce VS into my workflow, I don't “see” the practical use of certain features and options (I may not have activated the right options in Preferences).
First example, the advantage of the Reference canva: I understand that placing objects on this canva gives them no immediate “reference” (or symbol) identity.
It's all very well to consider that you can place/store objects on it that will be used as symbols/... but how do you get the Refence canva artboard and the design/Artwork artboard side-by-side?
If I define an object as a symbol, it's to be able to modify it and observe in real time the consequences on my design placed on the Canva Artwork.
@Pat said in Canva Reference usability?:
example, the advantage of the Reference canvas
If you want to have symbols accessible for editing (as well as any other style). But yes, you have to specify what are you using the reference canvas for
but how do you get the Refence canvas artborad and the design/Artwork artborad side-by-side?
By opening another document view (View -> New View) on the same document.
@VectorStyler Thanks
Ok, it was easy and I can get what I wish... this needs a large screen but feasible. I could not click and drag the objects/symbols fromone vien (Artwork artboard) to the refernce artboard but it is fine by cut/copy.
@Pat said in Canva Reference usability?:
I could not click and drag the objects/symbols
Drag&drop would copy the objects, and not link to them as symbols.
Use the Symbols panel to add these objects to the main artwork canvas.
@VectorStyler Yes, I did this but it also works by selecting all the symbols in once & CtrlX-CtrlV.