How do I use the Split Object Shape - "inside split schemes" and "cut split schemes"?

  • I know I'm 6 months late in expressing this, but I'm so impressed with the "Split Object Shape" feature! This is exactly the kind of tool set I was hoping for and @VectorStyler, you knocked it out of the park! Thank you for all you did with that tool set.I will have lots of use for this in my work.

    Would you be able to elaborate on how to use the "inside split schemes" and "cut split schemes"?
    The tool mentions using the path panel but I'm not seeing how that works. thank you!

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  • administrators

    @Boldline There are two ways to split shapes. One is to cut the part that is "inside" another shape (for example a grid of rectangles with some spacing).
    Another is to split along open paths.

  • @VectorStyler ok, I might need to have this explained on more of a child level. If I understand it correctly, the divide can be created with an open-ended path or the interior of a fill?

    I went looking in the documentation for more explanation in detail but that might not have been created as of yet. I know it's a relatively "new" feature and understandably, the documentation is not always current.

    In this case below, I created a star shape and made it a symbol. I used that symbol inside the shape and it essentially filled the shape. Is this the way it's supposed to work? I was instinctively searching for an option to scale it and duplicate it - but maybe I'm crossing into more of what repeater should do?

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  • administrators

    @Boldline said in How do I use the Split Object Shape - "inside split schemes" and "cut split schemes"?:

    If I understand it correctly, the divide can be created with an open-ended path or the interior of a fill?

    Yes. In case of open-path the object will be split along the path.

    Is this the way it's supposed to work?

    Yes, for a single shape this is the result, it cuts the part inside the star.

    I think the repeater can also be used to create a grid of shapes for a "split scheme", but regular duplication and grouping will also do.