VS does not seem to allow copy and paste of "webp" format images

  • VS does not seem to allow copy and paste of "webp" format images. I tested with several images of different formats and then tried with several different "webp" format images I have and none of the latter were able to be pasted in VS. Is this something that can be added? I am able to drag a webp image into VS, but I am unable to copy and paste it

  • administrators

    @Boldline said in VS does not seem to allow copy and paste of "webp" format images:

    Is this something that can be added?

    I will try to add this. Where was the image pasted from?

  • @VectorStyler The original image was created in openai and I then dragged it into my image curation program called "Eagle". When I try to copy the image there and paste in VS, it does not work. if I try to paste it in other applications like Affinity Designer, it works as it should. So I don't know if the issue is it being a webp image, or if the eagle program is also part of the issue. It won't let me paste the webp image here because it's not a supported format. I can email it to you if you prefer.

    If I convert the image inside the Eagle program and make it a png for example, I can then copy and paste it into VS without issue

  • To add to the discussion, I am able to copy and paste webp images from my browsers on Windows 10. However when copying them from Firefox the transparency is pasted into vectorstyler as black. Copying from chrome preserves transparency as expected.