Rotating linked vector files
I'm a brand new VectorStyler User (since a few hours
) and I have to say that I am excited about the scope and variety of functions. I recognize many functions from Illustrator.
Now to my question: Is it possible to rotate the content of linked vector graphics (VectorStyler, PDF)?
I have saved a graphic as a separate VectorStyler file and linked it in another document. I can scale and move the graphic. But when I rotate it, I only rotate the container. With linked images (e.g. JPEGs) I can rotate the image. I cannot do this with vector graphics. Neither with the normal selection tool, nor with the content tool.
The manual says, that "the linked content can be positioned, scaled, rotated or clipped into the shape of the container object."Many thanks for any tips.
@chessboard yes, it should rotate the content. There seems to be a recent regression with this one (just released 1.2 a few weeks ago).
Will be fixed ASAP.
Thanks for your quick reply! I will wait for the fix then. Besides that, there is enough to learn and explore.
@chessboard This issue should be fixed in the new build 1.2.018