Recognizing spot colors on PDF import
It seems that spot colors in a PDF file are not recognized when opening in VectorStyler. Not a super important feature but as PDF is becoming more and more a document format for exporting features between apps, this would be a good addition.
@Arde I added this to the backlog as a bug.
Thanks! Note that the same applies when opening an Adobe Illustrator file with spot color definitions. Additionally, when opening a CMYK AI file, the document color space is not retained as CMYK (but it is when opening a cMYK PDF file)..
@Arde The new build improves on AI and PDF file spot color import.
@vectoradmin said in Recognizing spot colors on PDF import:
The new build improves on AI and PDF file spot color import.
Thanks, works at least for the PDF files I have tested so far, including tints.
It would be great to have ability to search for a swatch color (especially PMS library colors) by name, and also match RGB or CMYK colors to their PANTONE defined library colors. The latter probably requires a license However it might be useful to create programmatically e.g. PMS coated/uncoated (user-opened palette file) to sRGB or Lab conversions, and then use that as a reference when matching color values from other color models/spaces/profiles to their sRGB or Lab equivalent PMS colors.
@Arde Including Pantone requires a license. But it can be imported if available from a number of palette formats.
I add to the backlog the color search / match feature.