Knife tool issue or just user error?
I am trying to figure out if there are properties to the knife tool that I do not understand or if there is a bug.
When I use the knife tool to cut a shape into two pieces, it makes the first cut just fine, but then if I make another cut, it acts like the pencil tool with a fill and the cut line becomes a fill shape and a section of the shape disappears completely. The knife tool also takes on the fill color of the original shape when this happens.
I've tried removing the color fill from the knife tool options in the context toolbar and it still makes it disappear and/or it regains the color fill again once i select the shape or run the knife through it
Here is a video showing what I mean
@Boldline I cannot replicate the issue here.
Send the shape to the developer.
It looks like after the first knife cut, the shape
on the left becomes open.
@Boldline Send me the shape. One thing to try is to disable the "Separate Path with Knife Tool" settings.
also no problem here with the knife tool